Horses for courses. An English idiom that translates “best person for a particular job”, “best response for a situation”, “the best means to achieve a specific end” or “choose the right person for a particular activity”. Common sense, yet not very common. I believe it is the main dilemma facing the not so infant PTI Government. I intentionally chose to use the phrase “Government of PTI” because everything lands in the lap of one person, PM Imran Khan. There is a reason for that too. His image is larger than life.
But anyone familiar with the game of cricket also knows the team has 11 players. His star even before the Government, his opening batsman Asad Umar bombed and bumbled poorly. Not an Economist, not a successful corporate leader, not a street smart number juggler like Ishaq Dar, having an ego taller than him, and arrogance to match, what else was there to expect? He successfully alienated the Pakistani business community, scared the daylights out of potential local investors, mismanaged the slide of dollar, cemented the propaganda by the opposition projecting PTI as clueless and rudderless economy. Quite an achievement in 7 months.

We were all calling for a reboot by PM Imran Khan. Finally he has moved. He has made a few changes and new appointments. He is receiving a lot of flak for it. Social media is having a field day circulating some factual mostly fictional materials. I have consistently urged for a need to bring in professionals. “Horses for courses”. Those claiming that IK had never met Hafeez Sheikh prior to his appointment don’t know what they are talking about. I clearly remember discussing Mr. Sheikh’s capabilities with PM Imran Khan as far back as late nineties.
There is a lot of noise about Governor State Bank. His IMF background and having a close working relationship with Mr. Sheikh can only help. Being rid of Ishaq Dar’s lackey who killed Swiss accounts exposure is a blessing.
Chairman FBR, despite all the noise, is a clean, thoroughbred professional. He has the ability to deliver results relying on his successful background. I urge the Government to make sure the applicable rules of appointment are complied to prevent the Chairman getting embroiled in court battles.

During my visit to Islamabad I also witnessed another reboot by PTI Chairman that augers well for PTI as a political entity. I visited the Central Office. I saw a team in place that PTI workers can identify with. Saifullah Niazi as Chief Organizer has stood with the Party and the Chairman during its darkest days. He is popular amongst the workers and I saw a maturity that can manage tough situations and an ability to say no.
I met Arshad Dad in early PTI days. He was a clear headed, goal oriented work a bee then, and now brings the same skill set with greater experience as Secretary General.
Umar Cheema is back as the Information Secretary. From early PTI days when I headed Punjab we crisscrossed the Province together multiple times. One of the few vote getters in 1997 elections, he is a part of committed PTI core. He has seen a few humps and bumps along the way but am I glad to see him back in the fold!
Then we have Sardar Azhar Tariq heading Finance. I have broken bread at Sardar sb’s residence in Satellite Town many a time. Loyal to the core, he put together our original Attock team.
Ijaz Butt is managing the Central Office. Ijaz as a younger brother had given PTI the impetus in Islamabad in its infancy days. I enjoyed his energy and commitment then as I did now.
Here is icing on the cake. I met Dr. Abdullah Rair the new Secretary OIC PTI (Overseas Pakistanis) in Toronto. He left a deep impact on me. In his opening address he spoke from his heart. His voice choked on emotions. He is PPP’s loss as a former Minister/Senator and PTI’s gain. I see him working hard to re-organize the huge reservoir of goodwill that PTI enjoys amongst Overseas Pakistanis. I really wish him well.

PTI has revised its Constitution trying to institutionalize the Party. To resolve issues through creating systems rather than the slip shod arbitrary decisions and appointments. My suggestion to the team: You are a formidable team; Governments come and go, Party once institutionalized should stand the test of time. You guys can do it!
The next day I had an opportunity to witness the proceedings of National Assembly courtesy Farukh Habib. What an experience. Largely it is a collection of Peacocks and Peahens. I sat through the Question period. It was a poor quality debating forum where everyone was making efforts to score points irrespective of the serious issues facing the nation. PM was present in the house. Yet the decorum stank. With ongoing proceedings, MNAs formed small chat groups oblivious of supposedly serious matters of State being taken up. The Agriculture Minister mentioned Agricultural Emergency with the same impact as one talks about getting a flat tire on a highway! If this motley crowd is what Pakistani nation depends on to take them out of the present quagmire, Allah’s intervention is seriously required.
PM Imran Khan should continue to strengthen his team of professionals ignoring the moaning and groaning in the Parliamentary Party. He needs to inform the Public that busted economies don’t repair overnight. It will take time. He must act decisively, continue to reboot and focus on areas that will serve the people and give them relief. Here are a few areas upon which I will elaborate in my coming posts.

- Take on the ticking Population bomb.
- Break the chain of unreal profiteering by middle men and relieve the burden of common man against runaway inflation.
- Introduce Police reforms.
- Go back to basics grow more food using technology.
- Agricultural emergency is a mere slogan. There is no beef.
- Direct agricultural tax “Ushr” is corrupt & farcical. Improve collection.
- Black money runs parallel to the real economy. Economic growth should provide avenues to document the Economy and mobilize investment.
- Economy is stagnant; it needs to be kick started by Public expenditure through Public private partnership. Facilitate business.
- While you improve the tax net, act boldly to stop the theft in indirect tax collection. Eliminate flaws exploited by corrupt collectors.
- Break the cycle of PML(N)’s big talk but actually go slow on CEPAC. Act now to mark locations for industrial zones & similar decisions.
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