STRAIGHT TALK by Hafeez Khan

It was fascinating listening to stories from our elders about their experiences at the time of partition. I recollect all the cousins huddling around a fire pit, fixated to every word uttered by our grandmother narrating details of widespread violence and mayhem in Hoshiarpur. Muslims had co-existed with Sikhs and Hindus for generations as neighbors and friends. Suddenly they were enemies going at each others’ throats. The social fiber had totally broken down and fire of vengeance had spread everywhere fed by tales of horror from both sides. Homes were being invaded and set on fire, killing inhabitants and robbing their possessions. Women were subjected to brutal torture, robbed of their dignity and kids were impaled by thrusting swords through their chests.

Survival became the biggest ordeal. My father was away in Berkeley, California completing his PHD and my mother and two elder sisters were the wards of my maternal grandfather. That is when our uncle Ghulam Haider Khan Niazi, an army lieutenant accompanied by some soldiers, commandeered a truck and arrived at our dera where everyone had taken shelter. He was able to evacuate the whole family packed as sardines across the border to safety. Uncle Niazi was always looked up to in our family as a guardian angel and savior. The prevalent fear, insecurity and total insanity experienced at that time became embedded into psyche of Pakistanis for generations.

The British rulers while withdrawing, left behind unresolved issues like Kashmir that has estranged relations between India and Pakistan for seventy five years. Three wars have been fought over it without any results. Being a much smaller country than India, the fear of an invasion has always been a threat for Pakistanis. It led to a total reliance on the army as the bastions for our survival. This insecurity gave an opportunity to the ambitious General Ayub Khan to take control of the levers of power from behind the scene since 1954. In 1958 he felt emboldened enough to grab power, enforced martial law and totally discredited the politicians. The evolution towards a civilian setup, a national Constitution and creating a system of political governance was entirely derailed.

Since this first army intervention, it has been repeated multiple times through subsequent martial laws. The last direct military rule ended upon removal of General Musharraf from power in 2008. However, between 1958 and 2008 the grip of the army increased immensely over all the power centers. United Pakistan was truncated because the uniformed rulers were unable to bully East Pakistanis, led by Sheikh Mujeeb Ur Rehman, into submission. The politicians of consequence in the remaining Pakistan were born and nurtured by Army dictators; Bhutto by General Ayub and Nawaz Sharif by General Zia.

Bhutto was his own man who refused to submit to the General Zia, so he was executed through manipulated judges. His daughter Benazir attempted to carry forward the PPP baton, but fell afoul with power brokers. She was eliminated and her party was taken over by Zardari, a totally compromised politician with no principals, driven by greed and hunger for power. The other major contenders were the Sharif family. With a business background, they were out to make money by any means. They have always been reliant on army’s blessings as they follow their biddings obediently. Nawaz occasionally grows a spine which ended his aspirations to become a 4th time Prime Minister. He has been replaced by younger brother Shahbaz, who excels in shining boots.

Since the departure of Musharraf the army generals, heavily reliant on ISI, have changed their tactics. Rather than ruling directly they have created a permanent seat for themselves to be the power behind the throne after installing their puppets. Starting with General Kiyani right upto the present Chief Asim Munir, this formula has given them full dividends. As an analyst, their methodology makes an interesting study. No army chief is installed without the blessings of US State Department and Pentagon. Having received their approval, the new Chief consolidates his position by bringing loyalists into key positions. Over the decades Army has achieved total penetration and control of important decision making forums through the political wing of ISI.

Using tactics frequently deployed by intelligence agencies they use coercion, blackmail and intimidation to further their objectives in bureaucracy, police, judiciary and politicians. This power grab has grown increasingly bold since General Bajwa took over. The present Chief has taken it to a new level. There are no pretentions about decency or concealing these nefarious activities. However these black ops have hit a snag; Titanic has hit a icebergin the shape of Imran Khan. Despite all the brutal coercion and intimidation, IK has penetrated the hearts and minds of a huge majority of Pakistanis.

Finally the army generals’ impregnable wall of total domination has had a seismic shift from within the power structure. Six honorable Judges of Islamabad have exposed the shenanigans of ISI operatives. It has completely unnerved masterminds in GHQ and their lackeys in Government. GHQ’s execution team of CJ Pakistan and CJ Islamabad are scrambling for cover. This open defiance by principled Judges coupled with the formation of an opposition alliance ready to launch a nationwide protest is a huge breach. It will open floodgates of resistance. Social media continues to be the nemeses for the ambitious generals. All these developments are positive for the long torturous journey of Pakistanis towards a democratic Pakistan where law reigns supreme.     


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