STRAIGHT TALK by Hafeez Khan

Pakistan’s condition reminds me of Shakespeare’s indelible lines spoken by Macbeth upon return after murdering Duncan to Lady Macbeth, “the deed is done, what shall I do with the dagger?” Spilling blood of peaceful protesters without cause on 26th November has put everyone in power in the doghouse. Washing blood-stains is physically possible, but it will not erase the imprint of such brutality from the hearts and minds of those present. Or those who saw images of these criminal acts capturedby indefatigable defenders of human rights on social media. It has outraged the nation and those living abroad. There is global condemnation from those who uphold democracy.

In April 2022 this hybrid regime usurped power from PTI. They have deployed every weapon in their armor. Arrests, beatings, kidnappings, prolonged torture in captivity were the tools of suppression. This was augmented by abuse of legal processes and pressures on judiciary delaying justice or denying it altogether. False and cooked up charges have become the order of the day. Sanctity of womenfolk in privacy of their homes has been violated. Businesses of PTI supporters have been destroyed. Mainstream media is totally silenced through bribes or threats. Yet Pakistanis keep responding to calls by Imran Khan to peacefully protest in greater numbers each time.

Once you cut through the fluff of false narratives, the facts confirm that there are two beneficiaries of this quest to hold onto power at any cost. Army has made deep inroadsinto civilian power structure for sixty-five years. They arethe king makers and policy makers. The Chief is the real decision maker, whether ruling directly through martial law or indirectly through their political henchmen. Before 2016 during indirect rules, the Chiefs wore velvet gloves to keep their influence discreet. After 2016 the gloves came off under General Bajwa. His successor has turned it into a fist fight using a knuckleduster.

The 2nd beneficiaries are the army’s political touts, PML(N), PPP and MQM; all born in army’s nurseries. They are notorious for corruption, incessant plundering and mismanagement of economy. They benefited by getting released from all charges of corruption after submitting unconditionally. This confluence of an unholy alliance received a severe jolt on 26th November 2024. Up until then tear gas, rubber bullets, steel-tipped sticks and containerized obstructions were the weaponry deployed to quell peaceful protesters. There were occasional bullets fired.

On 26th all that changed dramatically. Live bullets were fired directly on peaceful protestors at ground level and by snipers placed on rooftops. The crowds were sitting ducks in a hail of fire. Dozens of protestors were murdered and hundreds suffered bullet injuries. Then the operation concealment started. Dead bodies were removed by the police in ambulances. The information on injured protestors and dead bodies was concealed. Doctors and hospital staff were forbidden from releasing any information. It was a horrendous nightmare.

Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi and few ministers had threatened extreme violence if the protestors reach D Chowk. Spraying the unarmed civilians with live bullets was the fruition of this threat. Hundreds of vehicles of protestors were destroyed. Police have turned from being “guardians of lawinto vigilantes against PTI.

“Murders in D-Chowk” has left PTI supporters shell shocked. The nation is depressed and confused. It was a traumatic event. They must take heart that their leader is standing tall. Recently PTI leaders accused in May 9thcase interacted with IK at a hearing. They all came outrejuvenated and re-enforced. IK is a tonic; I can vouch for that based on my long association. He has already found a way forward. For now, please collect data of missing, dead and injured supporters of Nov 26th. Decades of business experience has taught me that “numbers don’t lie.” This data is crucial to convict PM SS and Naqvi. Attempts have to be made to lodge FIRs of murder.

“Mayhem in D-Chowk” has become a hot potato no one wants to hold. As stated in my previous article, PM Sharif lobbed this “hot potato squarely into General Asim and ISI Chief’s lap by thanking them for their efforts. While PML monkeys enjoyed these criminal murders, the Establishment is annoyed. Their flunkies are calling it an “Act of Government.” One hears of efforts to boot out PM Sharif. He has become a liability. He will be blamed for all the ills of mis-governance spread over two years.

The suggested replacement is Bilawal Zardari. This effort can only succeed if either IK supports this move or there are massive defections from PML(N). The chances of IK sullying his good name in supporting kangaroo Zardari are remote. Experts can expound better on PML(N) defections. Here is another option that could be a win for the Establishment. Remove your support from the Sharifs for a month. Don’t provide fodder for their cannons. Pakistani public will come out and dump them likegarbage. This may partially revive Army’s goodwill. Let it be followed by free and fair elections; this will lead tofurther rehabilitation. Whether behind bars or a free man, IK can make it happen again. This time around verdict in his favor will be greater than Feb 8th.

On Nov 30th I wrote “Overseas Pakistanis can hurt the present government by reducing home bound remittances through official channels. Only send what is absolutely essential for sustaining your dependents. This drop in remittances will suffocate the Junta and bring them to their knees.” IK has made a similar call. It’s a potent weapon, please use it.  


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