STRAIGHT TALK by Hafeez Khan

Canada has welcomed millions of immigrants from around the globe for many decades. They come from different backgrounds, ethnicities, and religious beliefs; welcomed with open arms and given equal rights and opportunities. I recollect when I moved my family in 1998; neighbors came over bearing gifts and good tidings. I had the option to choose between USA and Canada. I spent a month each in both countries and decided to adopt Canada. If I elaborate my reasons it could take pages, so I summarize the difference between the two. USA is a melting pot where you get transformed. Canada is multicultural where you retain your identity and yet have all protections provided by law.

There was a large influx nineties onwards. Most are economic migrants seeking a better future for themselves and their families. However, there are many who comehere to escape persecution and oppression back home. When the movement is so large, a lot of crappy onesweasel their way through the system. I am aware of many corrupt bureaucrats, police officers and generals who found Canada as a safe haven. They managed ways of laundering their ill-gotten wealth to enjoy one of the best living conditions in the world. It is despicable but true. As the community grows, these criminals find ways to blend in keeping a low profile. We need more whistle blowers who can expose such filth.

A new bombshell is about to be launched in Canada. ECP Sikander Sultan Raja, the butcher of democracy in Pakistan, has been tipped as the future High Commissioner to Canada. The one who should face high treason is being rewarded by high office. Canada shuns dictators and those associated with them. They are even denied visit visas; then how can such a distortion be permitted? I recollect a close friend had applied for a visit visa for his father which was lingering for a long time. He reached out to me for help. Through my contacts we sought to find out reason for this delay, despite the fact that the application met all the requirements. It turned out that the gentleman, a former army officer, had served in an important position with former dictator General Zia Ul Haq. My pushing led to decline of the application!

Canada takes human rights violations very seriously. Mr. Raja stands at the pinnacle of such violators. He has been directly involved in denying Pakistanis their fundamental democratic rights. He deliberately sabotaged holding of elections according to timelines required under the Constitution of Pakistan. He passed judgments that denied the most popular political party to participate in the elections by taking away their electoral symbol. He has been the errand boy for the Army generals who have usurped power and are ruling by proxy. He was the main facilitator and enabler for holding totally rigged elections. Imran Khan’s party PTI was denied free and fair participation in these elections through use of brute force. Their leaders and workers, including women and children were kidnapped, beaten and denied justice. Yet Mr. Raja as Chairman Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) kept proclaiming that he was ensuring a “level playing field” for all participants.

Historically, elections in Pakistan have been conducted by judicial officers expected to give even-handed treatment. For the first time Mr. Raja appointed bureaucrats directly under control of the Executive to conduct elections. These bureaucrats from day one of announcement of election date forcibly prevented PTI members from obtaining nomination forms. Those who managed to get them were brutally stopped from filing their papers. ECP as the forum for redressal, refused to provide any relief. Despite such criminal behavior, PTI had the highest number of candidates. 40% of Pakistanis are illiterate; election symbol is the way they identify their candidate of choice. ECP allotted derogatory and confusing symbols to prevent voters from making a free choice.

After votes were cast and counting started, it became apparent that despite all road blocks, PTI was emerging with 2/3 majority. Counting was then stopped. Vote count is captured at every voting station on a document known as form 45. It has to be signed by presiding officers and representatives of all candidates and copies given to them. The votes logged in form 45 are tallied on form 47 and results are announced by ECP. This is where the biggest deception was perpetuated by Mr. Raja. He disregarded the correct tally and announced false results sharply reducing PTI’s seats. Mr. Raja indulged in forgery and fraud.

Despite complete censorship of media, this criminal activity was captured by international and social media and condemned worldwide. How can such a criminal be acceptable as a High Commissioner to Canada, the land of pure democracy. All Canadians of Pakistani origin have to raise their voices to prevent this appointment from happening. We have to share this information with Canadian Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, Canadian MPsand media, human rights organizations, all community leaders and all those who care for democracy.

Having such a deceitful and vicious person represent Pakistan in Ottawa will be a disgrace for Pakistan. The Canadian Government must never accept this accreditation. It will tarnish the sparkling record of Canadians as defenders of democracy within Canada and around the world. We are duty bound to spread this word in order to prevent this disaster from happening. Canadians of Pakistani origin it is time to rise and shine.  



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