STRAIGHT TALK by Hafeez Khan

Writing in English has its benefits and challenges. The audience is limited; however it is quality readers with their own spheres of influence. I experienced that in my last article. It had a huge footprint by my standards, and I got great feedback from many friends. They agreed with my analysis of historical happenings in the country, but where do we go from here? A valid question from thinking minds. I found it stimulating and hence this part two. I will dwell on the challenges we face and make some suggestions.

Amongst many lessons learnt going through life in different continents, let me share a technique that has always worked for me. When faced with a complex problem, break it down into smaller segments to comprehend and deal with it. Seen in totality it looks extremely daunting; broken down it becomes more manageable. This leap of faith by PM IK to stand up for our national respect and pride is going to unleash multiple negative forces. They can be broken into four main segments: internal, regional, geo-political and economic viability. All of them are inter-twined.

Internally Prime Minister Imran Khan is attempting to refurbish and reboot. This requires changing the entire assembly line of how this country has run in the last three decades. The corrupt ex-rulers are facing huge redundancies. Rule by elite for only the elites is being replaced by an inclusive system catering to all segments. His opponents spout fire not just based on politics. It is sheer hatred for taking away the goose that laid golden eggs for them. Billions in stolen wealth is being questioned and they are petrified. They seek his elimination to return to their criminal ways. Hence they will do everything in their power to disrupt life within the country, and get into bed with anyone willing to harm Pakistan or PM IK.

It is both a challenge and an opportunity for PM IK and the nation. We have to stand firm and united to face vicious onslaughts from these opponents and from enemies beyond our borders. Nawaz’s proxy Maryam, Zardari’s offspring Bilawal and Maulana Fazal are chomping at the bit, seeking someone from within or outside to woo them. PM Modi and his lot must be working hard to rig up their nefarious schemes. Coupled with these disgruntled politicos, they have their proxies inside Pakistan and across the border seeking to wreak havoc. Our forces must remain super alert. The citizens have to be vigilant and diligent against the enemy. We need to protect against insurgency and fight the profiteering mafias promoting disaffection amongst the public.

Regionally, Afghanistan has moved to the top of the list. USA and its NATO allies disrupted the country for two decades, and departed in the darkness of the night. They failed to bring about a political resolution amongst the Afghans. Taliban have momentum and the incumbents are retreating. However it is premature for Taliban to declare victory. A one-sided solution is a perfect recipe for a blood bath. This abrupt withdrawal by USA has created a vacuum that has to be filled through holding of “Jirgas” at different levels of Government. Turkey is respected by both sides and one hopes it can play an arbitration role. Pakistan most sensibly has kept a low profile, however it must promote reconciliation. There are many spoilers lurking in the wings. For the sake of Afghans one hopes better sense prevails. Pakistan can ill-afford another influx of refugees.

Among the regional players, Pakistan has stepped away from being perpetual beggars. It is finally being accepted as an equal. With the region being in a continuous flux, principled neutrality is the best position to maintain.

The geo-political situation in the region has undergone a huge change. In the last two decades the West was draining its resources in bloody and unproductive wars. During the same period China was discreetly building its economic, military and political strength. We went from a bi-polar world of USSR and USA to a unipolar USA. Now we are entering a new era of a bi-polar world. This time it is China and USA. However the days of traditional warfare has been replaced by technology. No one is deploying troops. Commando raids have been replaced by hacking raids.

Pakistan for its strategic location cannot be ignored. However events have moved it away from Western alliance towards China. For once we are making our moves in national interests. China has been steadfast in its support for Pakistan. It is unlike the roller coaster affections of on now and off tomorrow attitude adopted by USA. The lines are clearly drawn and openly stated. We will be squeezed in more than one way; but if we keep our stance principled and unambiguous we will gain respect rather than ire.

In this world dominated by COVID, all economies have become fragile. Pakistan has withstood the challenge to the best of its abilities and has come to grips with the difficult issues. Now what is needed is continuity and commitment. PM IK has demonstrated both in abundance despite all the initial hiccups. The forces arrayed against him are formidable. Pakistan has to emerge from its chequered past into a self respecting nation; moving towards prosperity and caring for its weak.  We have an incumbent we need to support for the sake of Pakistan. All other options are tried, tested and were a failure.





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