STRAIGHT TALK by Hafeez Khan
We are a nation of 250 million living in a state of anxiety. Every day, survival is a challenge for an overwhelming majority. Spiraling inflation, constant fear of the midnight door knock, lack of hope for the future is ruining the Pakistani psyche. In this state of despondency and heightened insecurity where do you turn to draw inspiration? It is from a man locked away in a box measuring 8 feet by 8 feet in Adiala Jail. Imran Khan has become the beacon of hope for Pakistanis. With every passing day their commitment to IK is being fortified.
A year ago, on 8th February 2024, there was a landmark attack to destroy democratic institutions. The journey to these elections was filled with insurmountable landmines. The entire state structure had ganged up to prevent the voters from expressing their right to select their leadership. The denial of election symbol to PTI by Faiz Issa was ugly. It unleashed a wave of suppression not seen in Pakistan since 1971. PTI Candidates were brutally prevented from filing their nominations. They were awarded ridiculous symbols to confuse the voters. Hats off to the brilliant campaign by social media activists to enable voters to identify their preferred candidates.
Voters came out in unbelievable numbers, overcoming all the pitfalls, to cast their votes in favor of PTI. According to Form 45 tallies IK’s followers gave him a 2/3rd majority. The results were criminally stolen based on false Forms 47. PML(N) won only 17 seats in the national assembly yet they were installed as the ruling party. This abhorrent process continues till today. Some upright Judges in the Superior Courts were giving relief against these massive injustices. They needed to be tamed. Hence the infamous 26th Amendment was rammed through. High Courts and Supreme Court have now been packed with touts who will sing as directed by the Establishment.
Physical and legal roadblocks have been erected to suffocate democratic rule in Pakistan. November 26th 2024 was the ultimate brutality to crush peoples’ right to demonstrate peacefully. Unarmed civilians were shot dead in scores. Everyone in the corridors of power were patting each other on the back assuming that they neutered PTI’s ability to continue their struggle for a very long time. There was despondency among IK supporters too. However, as always, IK has bounced back within sixty days. There will be protests all over Pakistan against the daylight robbery of election results. As threatened by Mohsin Naqvi and others, the government will repeat the cruelty of November 26th.
Whatever the consequences, the spotlight will remain on the gross violations of human rights and massacre of innocent civilians. It is this focus that will dismantle this brutal regime brick by brick. The momentum to free IK continues to grow in the free world. The valiant efforts by overseas diaspora are commendable. My recent visit to US has given me an insight into their total dedication and systematic progress to create awareness. US influence has played a vital role in Pakistan as far back as I remember. Ayub Khan was booted out when he authored “Friends not Masters”. Bhutto’s judicial murder was a consequence of his atomic program and his independent streak of organizing 3rd world leaders. Zia was blown to bits when he was turning into a liability. Musharraf was removed with US support. IK’s government was removed when Bajwa succeeded in lobbying against him as “anti US.”
In the present circumstances, Biden’s blinkered vision is gone. President Trump is his own man. The recent comparison on Fox News between Trump’s struggle and IK’s challenge of Establishment is gaining currency. Only those countries who are financially secure can withstand the US pressure, otherwise regimes can crumble like Columbia. There is no guarantee that Republicans will come out forcefully for IK. However, one thing is certain that animosity of Biden is no longer a factor. Trump Administration is sprinkled with those who support IK and have a favorable view of him. This will be tested during the IMF review later this month.
The recent position of EU delegation to Pakistan has identified the pitfalls that stand in the way of continuation of reduced tariffs for Pakistani products. Continued violation of human rights, especially military courts impose a huge barrier. All these factors come into play when we focus on the nature of struggle that has unfolded over the last three years. IK is not struggling to come back into power. He is fighting to end the continued military intervention in Pakistani politics. Army is deeply entrenched in the power structure and unwilling to yield an inch. We are headed towards a final solution.
What are the challenges that await us? On one hand Establishment has twisted the court system out of shape and bent them into subservience. Pakistani media is totally muzzled and brutal force is deployed to subdue any dissent. It is led by a ruthless dictator whose ambitions have no boundaries. On the other side is the overwhelming support of eighty to ninety percent Pakistanis at home and abroad fighting subjugation and seeking freedom to rule themselves.
They all look upto IK as the ultimate redeemer after Allah. IK has suffered unbearable physical hardships since August 2023, braved indignity and unrelenting suppression of his supporters. Yet the man is unfazed. He has inspired millions to stand tall and continue their struggle. We all have to believe that one day justice will prevail Insha Allah.
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