STRAIGHT TALK by Hafeez Khan
A Punjabi proverb “Khul ke khaa tey nanga nhaa” translates “eat like a glutton and dance like a maniac” is most befitting to our prevailing conditions in Pakistan. The whole nation witnessed the shenanigans of ISI ramming through the 26th Constitutional Amendment. All at the behest of General Asim Muneer to provide him legal cover for a decade of dictatorship. The lead facilitator was outgoing Chief Justice Isa. In this ruthless game of thrones, he has been thrown away as a used contraceptive after the Bill passed.
Recently I had narrated a story of a dog that fell into thevillage well. The well water stays foul until the dog is removed. The 26th Amendment is the dog personified by Faez Isa. PTI has been brutalized since April 2022 with unmatched cruelty. While General Bajwa and then General Asim remotely wielded the levers of power, their lapdog poodles went on a skull-cracking spree against anyone who dared to dissent. When one steps back to review the journey since April 2022, you realize that everystep towards emasculating opponents has been carried out with military precision. There is no confusion, army generals are the real actors in this reign of terror.
Since 1958 generals never faced resistance in their quest to be in the driving seat. In fact, they were either welcomed or accepted with silence. This time the equation has changed. Each cracked skull of a civilian protesterwas watched in horror by thousands who internalized their anger. This anger got channelized into support for Imran Khan who had challenged the stranglehold of corrupt ruling elite. It manifested into a gush of support for PTI on February 8th giving it a 2/3 majority.
This verdict had to be undone; and it was achievedthrough falsified results in fake Form 47s. It denied PTIvictory as borne out by actual Form 45s. Despite all roadblocks, the voters had stood their ground, rejectingcrooks masquerading as politicians. Since February 10ththese liars have prevented scrutiny or audit of these falseresults.
Scrutiny under law falls in judiciary’s domain. This was obstructed by one of the most poisonous and devious snakes, a viper, aka CJ Qazi Faez Isa. “Viper Qazi” stooped to the bottom of the pit to prove himself as the lowest of the scum. This money launderer in connivancewith ISI Chief bullied and terrorized judges into submission. Judiciary was forcibly prevented from giving any relief to PTI supporters falsely incarcerated. On the other hand, Qazi crossed all limits to give judgments against PTI seeking the rule or law. His January 13th 2024 judgment robbed PTI’s election symbol and preventedtheir participation as a party.
The “Gang of Three” comprising General Asim, CJ Qazi and ECP Raja dealt vicious blows to derail democracy culminating in passage of 26th Amendment. In my previous article I had written that Maulana Fazal was headed to gofrom “zero to a hero”. He does deserve the credit of watering down this bill from what it was on September 15th. He had a positive role in blunting a heinous blow;however, he blinked in the grand finale. He voted fordisrupting the entire judicial system.
Compromised politicians illegally occupying the parliament will now decide who gets to lead the judiciary. This is a death knell blow to democracy and rule of law. They have distorted the Constitution to suffocate fairness and deny alevel playing field. Now judges have to appease these rascals to get appointments. How do you expect justice?
The condemnation of this illegal Constitutional Amendment is universal. 60 US Congressmen have sought granting of human rights and freedom for IK in an open letter to President Biden. It has been rejected on multiple credible world forums. As the enormity of this gross injustice sinks in, it is evident that Pakistan has been converted into an authoritarian rule. In total darkness, hopes dwindles and responses get muted. However, even under worst circumstance it is a sin to lose hope. If onemeets an accident, the immediate response is checkingyour own body functions, then you look around to see what can be salvaged.
The first step to rekindle hope is to assess your losses and evaluate your gains. Our loss was the passage of 26thAmendment, a cruel intrusion into justice system. Our gains include being rid of “Viper Qazi”. He was all set to be around for three more years as head of Constitutional Court. After Qazi’s exit, law abiding judges will be released of omnipresent pressures. It is exemplified by recent release of Bushra Bibi, relief by Islamabad HC providing access to isolated IK, revival of May 9th trials. The rumblings from lawyer community are loud. Hamid Khan’s press conference, Karachi bar’s reaction and palpableanger amongst young lawyers can translate into aresistance movement. Justice Munsoor Ali Shah and Justice Muneeb Akhtar have decided to stay on and fight from within the system. And new CJ Afridi is definitely not evil Qazi!
Topping it all, IK continues to stand tall and masses find him more endearing. Despite mistreatment and solitary confinement since 3rd Oct, IK met his lawyers exuding confidence. The final battle will be fought on the streets. Overcoming recent setbacks, the masses will respond to acall given by Imran Khan. The problem is PTI’s middle-order batting line-up. They have to grow a spine and come out boldly to lead this resistance movement till IK is able to do it himself.
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