STRAIGHT TALK by Hafeez Khan
Miss Minto was our math teacher in Burn Hall, Abottabad. She had a severe, no nonsense demeanor that kept the boys in check. She had a penchant to use the blackboard to write formulae, enunciate the problem, and write the solution in detail. It was a great way to understand complex algebraic equations. At the end of each lesson she would designate one of us to clear the board in her presence. The apparent purpose was to encourage note taking; in reality to discourage memorization and boost comprehension. What a great teacher.
On a few occasions I was the designated cleaner. Wiping the board gave a sense of power; now it’s all there and within a few strokes it’s gone. This example occurred to me while watching the glaring, at times comic, attempts by ruling Junta to wipe human memories clean. It may bepossible in a classroom setting; however is the Junta so naïve to believe that banning Imran Khan’s name ontelevision would magically erase his existence? IK is not a phenomenon that got ushered in from wilderness in 2018. He has spent 27 years to connect with the masses by tirelessly campaigning for equal justice and rule of law.
Those of us who understand farming can differentiate between flood irrigation and drip irrigation. In flood irrigation the force of flowing water spreads in the entire field to provide moisture. Through drip irrigation, droplets are released slowly to each plant directly to seep all the way to the roots. That is how PTI’s message has penetrated into the hearts and minds of Pakistanis over time; turning into their belief. Junta’s amateurish efforts open the perpetuators to ridicule. The media moguls were bullied into submission by threats of disrupting their business empires. This attempt, like all their previous ones, is destined to fail entirely. The puppet masters have actually increased the craving to see and hear IK.
I am reminded of Iran in the late seventies whenunderground movement against the Shah took root. I was there thanks to my friend Amjad Mowaz. Imam Khomeini was in exile in France. Shah’s brutal intelligence agency, Savak, was in total control having ears and eyes everywhere. Imam’s recorded messages on audio cassettes were distributed amongst the people at great risk to volunteers. Many lost their lives. Despite complete backing of the Americans and the Army, the will of the people swept away Shah’s autocratic rule. What is now happening in Pakistan is nothing less.
For all practical purposes the Constitution has been abrogated. Two provinces that make up 60% of Pakistan are under illegal Governments whose tenure has expired. Judicial orders by higher judiciary are being flouted on a daily basis. The political components of this hybrid Juntaattack the judiciary, viciously in parliament ruining the forum’s sanctity. They were emboldened enough to go to the gates of Supreme Court to hurl abuses led by the obnoxious diesel engine Fazal and the bandit queen Maryam. Plagued by lack of response this small crowd made a hasty retreat instead of an elaborate dharna as announced.
Under Shahbaz Sharif, his “El Capo” Rana Sana’s efforts to undo PTI and restrain IK failed for a year. They called in the army just as it is done during natural disasters and floods. Uniforms are now heading the “crush IK” efforts. They have taken over this responsibility zealously. After enacting the May 9th drama, suppression of dissent has been taken to new heights, never seen before. Under this scorch earth policy, these mindless undertakers have defanged the media, coerced the judiciary, unchained brutal Punjab police and subdued the bureaucracy. “Unknowns” are freely attacking the sanctity of homes, destroying private properties, disrespecting women and destroying businesses. The weak ones are offered an easy way out; hold a press conference, condemn PTI and events of May 9th and you are a free bird.
The real intent of what is unfolding came out in the open in a recently unveiled “Economic Revival Plan”. It spells the union of PDM with the Army. It has set goals of 1 trillion GDP by 2035. The civil-military leadership has agreed that Army will oversee the economic revival till it is fully functional. Does it leave any doubts about who is in the driving seat? This is a marriage of convenience between the corrupt politicians, blood sucking elite mafias and the present military leadership. Governance has been handed over entirely. Since martial law is an inconvenient tag in 21st century, it has been replaced by “a behind the scenes”autocracy. Discredited and corrupt politicians will be the face directed by Military Junta.
Where do the people of Pakistan, PTI and Imran Khan fit into this game plan? They are being treated as an inconvenience that needs to be silenced. All the enunciated plans are grandiose in nature; who will implement them? Will it be through the super–managers in uniform?
In the presence of a deaf and dumb media, the responsibility of exposing this criminal enterprise falls onto the social media and especially on Overseas Pakistanis who cannot be chained. All this cruel suppression has actually increased the popular support for IK by adding the sympathy factor. Ruling Junta may win a few battles using fear as a weapon; however the war has just started. Pakistanis need to stand tall to be counted; correctly negotiating this crossroad is crucial. A wrong turn would spell a disaster for the nation’s democratic dispensation.
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