STRAIGHT TALK by Hafeez Khan

The Generals’ arrogance is aptly reflected by Punjabi saying “Dukan pakorian de tey galan kroran de” translates “running a food stall with pretensions of a millionaire”. Internationally we have no cushion; we are economic beggars with no oil wells backing us like Venezuela. Internally Generals have silenced the conventional media. Only their narrative and versions are permitted to be airedbased on falsehoods spun by subservient journalists at their beck and call. The Government feels confident that after their cruel massacre of 26th November killing and wounding hundreds, they have crushed PTI’s ability to protest peacefully.

The ruling junta lives in a cocoon. Their lies and falsehoods fall like nine pins once exposed by Mujahids of social media. In present times no nation can operate in a vacuum. The world is interconnected and co-existence is a vital requirement. Technology has broken the barrier of flow of unhindered information. A recent claim by Punjab’s Information Minister that the Vice Chairman of China declared that “Maryam has the makings of a great leader”. Within hours proof was floating on social media that the position “Vice Chairman” in China was eliminated in 1982 and never revived. Liar Maryam’s falsehood exposed like her “Calibri Font” debacle in Panama Papers.

The entire edifice of present Government is based on liesand instilling fear. They exist because of false form 47s. The generals and their political touts entire energy is focused on defanging PTI by selling false narratives that are neither accepted by the nation nor the international community. They are stuck in the tactics deployed in seventies and eighties when they disenfranchised Sheikh Mujeeb and executed Z A Bhutto.

The same is being attempted with Imran Khan. Since April 2022’s orchestrated regime change by General Bajwa,every attempt has been made to wipe IK from the memories of Pakistanis. Mention of his name is banned on media. Every effort has been made to defame him and hurt his credibility. He has been jailed in sub-human conditions to break his resolve. His party has been decimated in the cruelest fashion. Assassination has been attempted more than once. In a meeting with IK in April 2023, we re-capped details of his shooting in Wazirabad. His survival was nothing short of a miracle. If it was theseventies or eighties, IK would be history by now;squeezed out of politics, possibly out of existence and memories wiped clean.

Fortunately, this is the 21st century. There are three factors that are the Generals’ nightmare and IK’s saving grace.First and foremost is Imran Khan’s strength of character and unwavering belief in Allah. He is incarcerated for over 500 days in a cubbyhole measuring 8 by 8 feet, denied basic amenities of life and interaction with humans. Nawaz Sharif’s jail term was a 5-star luxury as compared to IK. Sharif wilted quickly and made all kinds of compromises to get out of jail and flee the country. The same offers were made to IK; who outright spurned them and stood firm and tall. It has endeared him to Pakistanis. They believe that for the first time since 1971, a leader has stood up for their rights, unwavering in the worst conditions.

Second factor is Overseas Pakistanis. Migration of Pakistanis started in the seventies and has continued ever since. During this period many immigrants completed their  trials and tribulations of re-settlement. Many achieved successes, but by and large they were unconcerned with the happenings back home, except possibly supporting their families. All that changed when IK began to engage with them as a cricketing icon promoting philanthropic causes. Then in 1996 he entered politics. He expounded his beliefs and his vision that resonated with Pakistanis who had tasted the joys of freedom in democratic societies. It was a slow build up spread over decades. Itgot accelerated since IK’s ouster from Government. Overseas Pakistanis have owned IK’s dreams and providing support never seen before amongst the diaspora.

The third factor is social media. It has really carried IK’s struggle beyond the comprehension of these myopic Generals. Their role shall be recorded in history in golden words and would be a case study amongst the academia of how to fight dictatorships. The social media reaction to IK’s removal from office created huge awareness amongst the masses and bore tremendous fruits. The youthful “tigers” of Pakistan are to be commended for their role in Feb 8th elections. They educated and guided the voters despite all road blocks leading to PTI’s victory. The tradition continues in exposing the horrors of November 26th. Without social media, IK would have fought tooth and nail but it would have been a losing battle withoutexposing these criminals.

After military’s brutal firing straight bullets at innocent protestors, public demonstrations are being replaced by hitting these animals’ Achilles heel. It has the potential to suffocate the present rulers and bring them to their knees. Pakistan’s economy runs on foreign remittance coming from overseas Pakistanis and export earnings. Exports have dwindled by 30%. Reduced remittances will make the economy unviable leading to collapse of this false regime. It would spell death knell of these arrogant Generals and their nefarious designs. Pakistan will bounce back with the dawn of a new era. Overseas Pakistanis and my social media friends must go flat out to promote this once IK gives the call. Trust me this noble cause would give better results than your success on Feb 8th.      



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