STRAIGHT TALK by Hafeez Khan

The full blast frontal attack to ram through the creation ofFederal Constitutional Court continues. For now, it has been blunted. The whole nation has been on pins and needles for last four weeks. The institution of Supreme Court is under severe threat of being dismantled. A Supra Court under Qazi is being created to dominate the judicial system. The Supreme Court Justices would be relegated to a role of a Session Judge.

By extending the retirement age to 68 years, Qazi wouldrule the roost for the next three years as the top defender of PML(N). In reality, Nawaz Sharif is merely a server of General Asim Muneer, acting as his proxy. If you look beyond the dust blurring the facts, the entire game is being played to ensure three things. One: Pave the way for General Asim’s unencumbered rule for at least a decade. Two: Lock away Imran Khan for that duration leading to dismemberment of PTI. Three: Mutilate the rights and freedoms guaranteed to citizens by subjugating the judiciary and disabling their ability to give relief.

To amend the Constitution, a two-third majority is required in both houses. It would have sailed through if Supreme Court had not intervened to recover special seats stolen from PTI. Full Court Judgement and explanatory rulings have proved to be the last nail in this Machiavellian scheme. It also made Justice Munsoor Ali Shah enemy #1 for Nawaz and his bosses.

One would marvel at the architecture created by “Gang of Three” i.e. General Asim, CJ Qazi and ECP Raja, if it was not so evil. The reality is that 3 major parties are in power who only won 37 seats; PML(N) 17, PPP around 20 and MQM zero. These 37 seats have been converted into 213. That is the architecture I am talking about. Government is still 11 seats short. To fill the gap, evil genius Qazi and criminal Zardari connived to reconstruct Judicial Committee to form a compliant bench. Within days Qazi legalized corruption and horsetrading of Parliamentarians.

Using secret funds, the Government is offering incredible amounts to opposition members on one side. On the other, infamous ISI “dalah” borne goons have unleashed a reign of terror on opposition members. The results of this enterprise will become known in the next few days.

The one man preventing this hogwash is Maulana Fazal Ur Rehman. After heading PDM alliance in round one, Maulana had faded into relative obscurity after Feb 8th. He was wiped out by PTI tsunami on that day. Then he was betrayed by PML(N) and PPP when they refused to share the spoils of loot sale of seats on Feb 9/10th. He is arguably the smartest politician amongst the present lot. Occasionally growling, he waited for the right time to strike back. His 8 MNAs and 5 senators suddenly are worth their weight in gold.

As a brilliant tactician wanting to create a legacy, Maulanaresisted short-term gains. Instead, he chose to carve his name in Parliamentary history. Within a month from being an inconsequential zero, he is headed to become a hero in the eyes of overwhelming majority of Pakistanis. The first attempt to ram through these disastrous amendments was made in mid-September. The Government benches had lined-up enough PTI renegades that with Maulana’s 8 members, the bill would have passed. He refused to be on the wrong side of history preventing this debacle.

The flagship amendment is creation of all powerful Federal Court headed by Toady Isa. That pretty much fizzled out when Maulana convinced Bilawal to give it up and showed a finger to Nawaz, the real beneficiary. The 2nd attempt is in full swing but nothing conclusive has emerged. If it gets pushed beyond 25th October, Qazi will be dumped into the dustbin of history.

During these tumultuous times serious doubts have emerged about PTI Chairman Gauhar and KP Chief Minister. While Maulana was playing his chess and lawyers were getting fired up to resist this abomination,PTI decided to flex its street power. Masses turned out in huge numbers in support of their beloved leader, IK. This entire build up was diffused either through treachery or stupidity. It sabotaged a powerful movement that had a potential to overthrow this legless regime. With IK inaccessible in solitary confinement, it appears PTI Chairman Gauhar is acting as a wimp and Gandapur is compromised.

Here is a fact check. IK is in jail since August 2023. He is being kept in deplorable conditions and now suffering complete isolation. PTI parliamentarians and their family members are being kidnapped, tortured and financially paralyzed. False cases are being registered against anyone who dissents. Womenfolk are being disrespected.Police and ISI brutality is at its peak. Trial courts are compromised refusing to give relief. Fascism is being legalized and Judiciary is being subjugated; all throughConstitutional Amendments. These suffocating conditions can only be overcome through fearless resistance.

The time has come for PTI genuine leaders who have paid the price of jail and torture to take initiative and provide leadership to restless masses truly fed-up and ready to sacrifice. Present PTI leadership has failed miserably. Thisnightmare can only end through a combination of three things. Massive street protests, resistance by lawyers and civil society and bold decisions by patriotic judges. The icing on the cake will be Maulana Fazal joining this struggle.

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