STRAIGHT TALK by Hafeez Khan

In late 70’s European Governments introduced a Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to encourage dairy production by offering guaranteed minimum price. By the 90’s there was a surge in production creating surpluses known as “milk lakes” and “butter mountains”. These products had short shelf lives leading to expiration. Unscrupulous bureaucrats in connivance with crooked businessmen sold these expired products into Asian and African markets. Pakistan was one of the major recipients, especially formula milk destined for babies in a fast-expanding population.

Criminal sale of sub-standard products to babies causes stunted growth and other medical complications. Such criminal behavior is a by-product of the overall deterioration of morality and integrity. It is snowballing with every passing day. This process has accelerated in the last 30 months; it is degeneration on steroids. This downward spiral is led by three Chiefs; a triangular axis of evil. The army Chief sits atop the pyramid of this axis. Heoperates behind a veil, these days orchestrating amendments to the Constitution. The objective is clear for those who can see it. These days our country is underundeclared martial law. These amendments will legalize dictatorial rule for a decade; General Asim’s ultimate dream.

The other two corners completing the triangle, termed as “gang of three” by IK, includes outgoing Chief Justice of Pakistan, Qazi Faez Isa, and Chief Election Commissioner, Raja Sikander Sultan. No lie is too big and no fraud is impossible for this modern-day Machiavellian Combo. In this age of social media, every criminal act of theirs is getting exposed. It frustrates their moves and intensifies their downward spiral of meanness. Clearly there will be consequences; the hatred against the Gang is multiplying manifold. A donut shop called “Crusteez” has become an overnight celebrity in the country for anincident that occurred over a month ago. Qazi Faez Isa,accompanied by his spouse and daughter, was insulted by a young salesperson. The contents of this incident are known globally. It has become a shrine being visited by scores!

It is tip of an ice burg considering the hatred brewing within the vast majority of Pakistanis at home and abroad against this “gang of three”. It was witnessed in New York when the fake form 47 Prime Minister, Shahbaz Sharif,had to use the garbage exit to leave his hotel instead of the front door. Why? He is petrified of the insults waiting to be hurled his way by angry Pakistani Americans. They areready to protest outside UN. He can run but cannot hide.

The third corner of the triangle, ECP Raja is the slimiest of the lot. He has devastated every democratic norm in the last 30 months. With each passing day his brazenness increases. His open defiance of the majority judgement by Supreme Court has opened him to charges of treason. We are headed towards a clash of titans in the near future. The root cause of this clash is the original sin of stealing people’s mandate of February 8th 2024. You tell a lie and you have to tell a hundred more to justify it. The survival of this axis of evil lies in achieving a two third majority to amend the Constitution.  

No stone is left unturned to achieve three objectives. 1. Frustrate SC judgement on reserved seats. 2. Open floodgates of horse trading by undoing Article 63A ruling. 3. Pass amendments to auger in Constitutional Martial Law and give extensions to the “Gang of Three.”

Qazi Faez Isa will play a pivotal role in achieving these objectives. His past pronouncements as a defender of civil liberties and a champion of rule of law were a fraud. His past supporters can vouch for it. In reality he is corrupt, a self-serving fake, bowing down to the Generals unlike all his predecessor.

Listening to Barrister Shazad Akbar, who was in the eye of the storm in the reference against Qazi, the facts of his money laundering to purchase properties in UK arecompelling. His life partner was also his partner in crime. Between 2003 to 2013 with Qazi’s connivance, his wife remitted over 725,000 Pounds which at today’s rate exceed 2.70 billion rupees. Their methodology befits the intelligence of a Chief Justice. They created a 2nd persona for his wife whose Pakistani name is Serena Isa. Her 2ndfake persona was Zarina Montessori Carrera Khosa as a Spanish national. Serena transferred funds to fake Zarina and bought properties in their kids’ name. Despite repeated requests of FBR, neither Qazi nor his wife could provide any justification or source of funds!

Qazi’s match in this game of thieves is Sharif brothers. His modus operandi opens him up for criminal charges, but was far superior to Nawaz’s Qatari letter or Shahbaz’s fake nominees. A nation teetering on the edge of bankruptcy has been robbed blind by these wicked criminals. It invites hate and disgust.

The masses broke the barriers of fear on Feb 8th through a silent revolution and on September 8th and 21st in Islamabad and Lahore. The tempo of revulsion is gaining with each passing day. IK from Adiala Jail controls course of future events in Pakistan. The “gang of three” can keep playing their games till they are confronted by teeming millions, conscientious lawyers and honorable judges. The social media champions will keep the nation abreast. Pakistanis brace yourselves for the day to oust this filth tarnishing the good name of a self-respecting nation.                   

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