STRAIGHT TALK by Hafeez Khan

Ashura falls on the 10th day Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar. It mourns the martyrdom of Hazrat Hussain ibn Ali, grandson of our beloved Prophet. There are other landmark events associated with this day. The parting of Red Sea by Moses (Hazrat Musa) and salvation of the Israelites. It is also linked with Noah (Hazrat Nooh) disembarking from the Ark. A day of great significance in Muslim history reminding us of the ultimate deceit, cruelty and deception by Yazid ibn Mu’awiya ibn Abi Sufyan.

Yazid was the 2nd caliph of the Umayyad Caliphate. Hisappointment by his father, Mu’awiya, was the first hereditary succession to the caliphate in Islamic history. It was a transition from Caliph by consensus to Caliph by inheritance. A practice contrary to  Shariah as practiced by Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). This is being repeated centuries later in Pakistan. Nawaz Sharif is proving to be the modern day Yazid. In 2022 he appointed his brother as the PM to rule over 250 million Pakistanis, himself petrified to return, fearing justice. At the first given opportunity in 2024 he manipulated to have his heir apparent, Maryam Nawaz, “selected” to rule over 60% of Pakistanis.

All this was not possible without the connivance and active support of Army Generals. General Asim’s predecessor, General Bajwa was the mastermind of London Plan he authored with Nawaz Sharif in 2021. It unfolded in April 2022 with the removal of Imran Khan. Since then, it has all been downhill for Pakistan. With every passing day democratic norms have been shattered and rule of law and Constitution have been grossly violated. Police and law enforcing authorities have been turned in goons, beating, rampaging and arresting anyone who dares to whisper dissent.

Judiciary has been bullied into submission and all forms of blackmail and coercion tactics have been used indiscriminately. Media has been entirely muffled. The only loud noises we hear are paid touts singing to his master’s voice. Pakistanis are being choked by unbelievable inflation and the economy is in the dumps. The country has become unlivable and unsustainable.

Army started the process of usurping power in 1958 and has over the decades achieved an unbreakable chokehold on all pillars of governance. One really wonders what thisis all about and towards what end? The answer is fairly simple; the maniacal lust of power and inconsolable greed to acquire wealth. It has brought together devils incarnate;a wickedly ambitious General out to grab absolute control and a coterie of ruthless politicians sworn to loot and plunder. They will not stop till this nation can breathe no more.

These strange-bedfellows have ruthlessly pursued their singular goals as defined above. It is important to understand the dynamics of this wicked linkage. Nawaz gave his political birth in lap of army dictator Zia. Ever since, in a career spanning 40 years, he always came to power after conspiring with the Generals. His humungous ego got him booted by Generals many times when he got too big for his shoes. Nawaz groomed his protégé and sidekick Shahbaz all along to retain control of Punjab each time he succeeded in the Center.

His mentor and father, Mian Sharif always harbored an intense desire to have “sadda apana” Army Chief. He had openly expressed it on more than one occasion. Nawaz progressed in that direction while appointing General Bajwa. However, Bajwa had his own ambitions and was serving more than one master. That desire came to fruition when he succeeded in getting a retired general Asim as Chief. Deals were made and documented.

Gen Asim complied in the beginning, but the lure for power was too much to resist. 1st PDM Government appointed Nawaz’s proxy, Shahbaz, as the PM pending the return of the big boss. They royally messed up this nation. PM SS was a clever student. He realized that the way to power was through the uniforms. To remain center stage, he totally submitted before General Asim excelling as a master shoe shiner. While Nawaz, now a veteran, occasionally gave flickers of a spine, PM SS is totally spineless. Upon the triumphant return of NS, heconsidered himself as the 4th time PM. That was not to be. As a consolation to Nawaz, Maryam was picked for Punjab.

During February 8th elections, there was a massive robbery of election results. The masses rejected Sharifs and chose IK instead. Nawaz became inconsequential and feels dejected. Bro Shahbaz remains a pliant servant. But now SS is facing a new threat. Niece Maryam is deploying her father’s ruthlessness in carrying out instructions from GHQ. The competition is on between the two of them toprove their subservience and loyalty. The brutality continues unabated in Punjab.

Maryam is the new contender for the Center. While Pakistan or Pakistanis feature nowhere in both their agendas, Gen Asim is entirely consumed by his lust for power. The country can go to dogs. There is no investment, industry is shutting down and unemployment is out of control. Only three things can prevent this total disaster. IK, the masses and patriotic judiciary. PTI’s parliamentary members and ticketholders must wakeup and step-up before they are dumped into the dustbin of history. The wheel is turning ever so slowly. However as social media exposes these criminals, the anger and frustration are reaching a boiling point. How long can this tragic drama continue? Nature abhors injustice.  

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