• STRAIGHT TALK by Hafeez Khan “Masi Barkate”, Aunt Barkate was a permanent fixture in our ancestral “dera” in Lyallpur. She was widowed at a young age with no offsprings and was woven into our joint family structure. She ran the…

  • STRAIGHT TALK by Hafeez Khan We are a nation of 250 million living in a state of anxiety. Every day, survival is a challenge for an overwhelming majority. Spiraling inflation, constant fear of the midnight door knock, lack of hope…

  • STRAIGHT TALK by Hafeez Khan “Washington is a city of traffic lights; I hate this stop and start” said the young man, nicknamed Junior, while drivingme to the November 26th massacre Congressional Briefing. He had a point; the density of…

  • STRAIGHT TALK by Hafeez Khan Washington is abuzz with anticipation for the upcoming Congressional briefing on the massacre of November 26th2024. These days I am in US and had an opportunity to interact with this brave lot leading the charge.…

  • STRAIGHT TALK by Hafeez Khan Flying saucers are imaginary objects in futuristic spacefictions. One has been launched by our shifty Prime Minister in Pakistan naming it “Uraan Pakistan” translates “Take-off and flight of Pakistan”. We saw the same rodeo a while back when General Asim and PM Sharif launched “SIFC Pakistan” a platform with much fanfare.…

  • STRAIGHT TALK by Hafeez Khan December is holiday season in the West. It’s a time to show kindness, and share love and gratitude towards loved ones. In cold and snowy winter in Canada, it’s the time to be cozy and…

  • STRAIGHT TALK by Hafeez Khan The Generals’ arrogance is aptly reflected by Punjabi saying “Dukan pakorian de tey galan kroran de” translates “running a food stall with pretensions of a millionaire”. Internationally we have no cushion; we are economic beggars…

  • STRAIGHT TALK by Hafeez Khan “Rabb narey key ghusan” a Punjabi saying that translates “Is God near or the clenched fist”. Fear of death is the ultimate threat. It happened in abundance on 26thNovember in and around D Chowk. Innocent…

  • STRAIGHT TALK by Hafeez Khan Pakistan’s condition reminds me of Shakespeare’s indelible lines spoken by Macbeth upon return after murdering Duncan to Lady Macbeth, “the deed is done, what shall I do with the dagger?” Spilling blood of peaceful protesters…

  • STRAIGHT TALK by Hafeez Khan My early schooling was in Cantt Public School, Abottabad. A lush green city located in a valley surrounded by forested mountains. The hill on the northern side was known as “Shimla Pahari”, Shimla Mountain. It…

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