STRAIGHT TALK by Hafeez Khan

Let us not beat around the bush. General Asim Munir harbors ambitions of a ten-year rule. He wants to repeat what Ayub, Zia and Musharraf did as military dictators. Every military ruler after forcing his way into power, seeks legitimacy. They adorn different mantles; all aimed at creating a centralized power structure based on all powerful presidency.

Ayub Khan banned existing cadre of parliamentarians from politics through “EBDO”.  Thereafter he promulgateda new constitution creating an indirect electorate system called “Basic Democracy”. He used bureaucracy to ensure victory of compliant “Basic Democrats” to elect him as President.

Zia Ul Haq adopted another route. He first engineered the execution of his nemesis, Bhutto, through a legal murder by Superior Courts. He followed it up with brute power of martial law courts to subjugate political opponents, mainly PPP. He wanted to be rid of inconvenient political parties and held the first party-less elections. Using this mechanism, he was able to shepherd a compliant parliament to elect him as President.

Pervaiz Musharraf usurped power riding a popular wave of reform and accountability. Masses were fed-up with the corrupt duo of PML(N) and PPP. After a brief fling with accountability, his need for legitimacy overtook his decision making. His lucky break was that his main opponent, Nawaz Sharif, turned out to be spineless. Through Saudi intervention Nawaz fled the country,leaving his party rudderless. Musharraf re-chiseled PML(N) into PML(Q), and by adding PPP turncoats, he paved his way to an all-powerful Presidency.

All these blueprints were available to General Bajwa first and then General Asim. They retooled their techniques to changing times. However, there was a lucky twist of fate for the hapless Pakistanis never seen before. An honest, upright and determined political leader, without roots in Army’s nursery, finally caught their fancy after 15 years of dedicated struggle. Imran Khan’s emergence and growth on the political scene is unprecedented in Pakistan.

IK phenomenon has some unique features. While most politicians fade away after being removed from power; the reverse happened. His popularity has gushed forth like an erupting volcano. This was despite all the brutal and Machiavellian tactics deployed by Generals and their executing team. February 8th will be celebrated in Pakistan as day of “silent revolution” when voters spoke through their votes. It was a clear verdict in favor of PTI, decimating General Asim’s blueprint to rule through proxy of spineless political lackeys.

General Asim’s game plan is falling apart at the seams. Here is a brief recap of the disasters accumulating in Generals’ lap. Their power-grab strategy has four pillars. First, his political lackeys led by Nawaz Sharif. They suffered a humiliating defeat at the ballot box reduced to less than 20 seats for PML(N), based on independent election reports. They have been hoisted into power on fake Form 47s. Nawaz, Maryam and Shahbaz lost their seats. These leaders are petrified to step out into public.This pillar is built on sand and will crumble anytime.

Second pillar is ECP Sikander Sultan Raja, the chief architect of the biggest election fraud ever. For over two years he has waged a relentless war of attrition against PTI. All his criminal acts are getting exposed and now he is in the hot seat being charged of misinterpreting Supreme Courts decision. His days are numbered,heading to an inglorious end; demolishing this pillar.

Third pillar is a Chief Justices combo. Qazi Faez Isa in Supreme Court and Aamer Farooq in Islamabad High Court. Both have been totally biased against Imran Khan and PTI, authoring judgements that will hound them to eternity. Taking away PTI’s election symbol by CJ SC and the Tarion case conduct by CJ Islamabad. Both lost support from their brother Justices who are unwilling to put up with their falsehoods. CJ SC is riding into the sunset in October, failing thus far to get an extension. CJ Aamer is isolated, facing a fact-based reference in Supreme Judicial Council. This pillar stands de-fanged.

Fourth pillar left standing is ISI and rogue elements in police. Their incessant bullying of judges worked for a while. However, this blatant abuse of power has spilled over causing a pushback by Honorable Judges. They have stood up for the supremacy of law. ISI will have their wings clipped.      

General Asim’s governance is in tatters. His troubles have compounded with mounting international criticism of abuse of human rights. Economy is in tatters. For the first time,“capacity payments” to energy white elephants have exceeded budget allocation for defense. Masses are being crushed by inflation and investments have evaporated.

Despite threats to ban PTI and try IK for treason, momentum has tilted in favor of freeing him. Its time to ramp up resistance. IK shall not be freed through winning legal battles alone. It has to be complimented by struggle on the streets. Generals’ regime is surviving on fear. These shackles need to be broken. It is time for those honored by IK as Parliamentarians and ticket holders to lead this charge.

Conditions are ripe to break the idols of fear. Masses are fedup. They need direction and brave leadership to standup like “Arab Spring”. The choice is simple, to come out in peaceful protest and drive the final nail into the coffin of this tottering regime; or have your rights and freedom fade away to pave the path for a 4th military dictatorship.        


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