STRAIGHT TALK by Hafeez Khan

Prime Minister Imran Khan’s recent visit to Saudi Arabia reminded me of an incident during my stay in the Kingdom. Our Chairman Abdul Latif Al-Sheikh had a close friend who was an engineer. It was early eighties and we were developing our agricultural project in Al Kharaj, south of Riyadh. The engineer friend participated in a bid on a small yet crucial part of the overall project. He was not the lowest bidder but was awarded the contract based on “wasta”, the term used for relationship in the Arab world.

Upon signing the agreement a mobilization advance was given. The work had to commence immediately. There was no activity for a few days and all efforts to reach the engineer failed. After a week or so we found out that upon receiving the advance Mr. Engineer had left for Lebanon, return date unknown. We scrambled and brought in a new contractor. Time passed and Sheikh Latif cut all ties with his friend who was previously a regular visitor to our offices.

A year later some common friends intervened and convinced Sheikh Latif to invite Mr. Engineer to a meal at his house. I was among the guests. Both of them met separately for about fifteen minutes and then joined the other guests, chatting away, joking and laughing as if nothing had happened. A few days later I asked Sheikh Latif what happened, “you were so mad at him”. His reply gave me yet another insight into Saudi temperament and their cultural fabric. “Hafeez he came to my house, gave me respect, realized his mistake, and paid homage to my mother. I forgave and forgot. Life is too short to hold grudges”.

The recent meeting between PM IK and MBS must have it own dynamics. The underlying considerations are complex and agenda to be negotiated is complicated. However, the centuries old Arab tradition of hospitality must have played its part. Both leaders are assertive, bordering on arrogance at times and clear headed in their vision for their countries. It is a positive development for the region. Pakistan is the sole nuclear power of the Muslim world and Saudi Arabia is the Custodian of the Holy Mosques bestowed with huge wealth and influence.

Whatever the realpolitiks in the region, human chemistry plays a huge role in the interaction between leaders. It got off to great start in 2019 but took a nosedive in 2020 creating tensions and uncertainties in a close relationship spanning decades. Whoever played a role in re-connecting PM IK and MBS did an outstanding service to the Muslim Ummah. On the global scene Saudi Arabia is firmly entrenched in camp USA and Pakistan is no longer its strategic ally. Pakistan has moved closer to China and India is now the flag bearer of Western allies. Whatever the configuration, a close bond between these leading lights of the Muslim world augers well for all.

The opposition in Pakistan had a field day ridiculing a gift of rice. They no longer have even a semblance of decency. They have relegated themselves to a role of vulgar hecklers, competing with each other on who can be more atrocious. Gift of food for the destitute in Ramadan is part of Muslim tradition. It is destined for the poor and needy through MBS charities working in multiple countries including Pakistan. It is in sync with PM IK’s efforts to feed the unprivileged.

PM IK was given the singular honor when MBS himself came out to receive him at the plane unlike multiple visits by Sharifs and Bhuttos/Zardaris. The gesture of opening the gates of both the Harams is a highest sign of respect. Based on reliable sources the discussions were wide ranging. They covered areas of defense, economic collaboration, financial assistance, and other areas of mutual interest. They discussed strategic issues of Kashmir and Palestine. PM IK sought and MBS responded by committing to release Pakistanis languishing in Saudi jails for years for minor offences. A topic barely touched by previous rulers.

The evolving situation of America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan after two decades of a futile war costing US tax payers trillions was taken up in great depth. Both countries have major stakes in the region and are sensitive to a power vacuum likely to emerge in coming months. The recent ruthless aggression against the faithful praying at Al Aqsa Mosque by Israeli soldiers and Zionists was of great concern for both leaders.

PM IK has taken huge strides on the international scene. On macro-economic level Pakistan is headed in the right direction. Recurring current account deficit of nearly 20 billion has been slashed, dams are being built for the first time since Ayub Khan and the list goes on. But an analogy that comes to mind for PTI is as follows. It is a big showroom with great products, but the outer display that people see is haphazard and disorganized. I mean the runaway food inflation.

As a student of economics I know it is not just a matter of supply and demand. It is profiteering at its extreme and a collapse of administrative machinery run by incompetent leaders. It is burning a huge hole into PTI’s support base. If it could not be controlled in 3 years there is not much hope now. I have a radical solution. Army has been called in most national emergencies. This is not just an emergency, it is a national disaster. Call them in to control this nation’s worst criminals. It may give a sigh of relief to the suffering masses.

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